

Goldsmith Bathroom

Berkeley, California

bath & Laundry combination

A beautiful 1920s Arts & Crafts home suffered from the typical “Old-Home Syndrome” - it’s kitchen competed with a rear porch, laundry and toilet rooms for access to the back yard. The toilet room was also insufficient but the only facility on the main floor. The solution was to get rid of the rear porch and combine the laundry and toilet into a full bathroom. (The bonus was a kitchen remodel which suited the Owner, a professional chef, who had been working around the poor layout for years.)

The toilet and laundry were combined and the larger room accommodated the addition of a sink and tub for a full bath room. The old porch ceiling was raised to give a sense of spaciousness to the highly-used room. Traditional fixtures and finishes accessorize the room which features a beautiful wall-hung double sink that serves all functions well, including dog washing which was part of the program. Due to building codes, the window could not be enlarged so additional natural light enters the room through an Arts & Crafts glass pocket door.